An API with endless possibilities.

With visual lipsynced AI avatars like our API gives you, anything is possible: mock interviews, sales assistants, language training, coaching, CS training, historical characters and so much more. Try our demo.

How it works?

Our API comprimises of two main components:

  • /startAudioToVideoSession API to initialize a session.
  • /StartWebRTCSession WebRTC API to start streaming PCM16 audio bytes to video.

We encourage you to learn more about Simli WebRTC

For non-WebRTC experts, we made it easier for you to get started using our simli-client SDK to handle all the WebRTC communication.

Join our discord server here to get help from our community and the team.

simli-client SDK

install our simli-client SDK to quickly get started with our API


Simli WebRTC integration made easy for you

Sample Repo

We built some sample repos to get you started


A simple demo demonstrating use of simli-client with OpenAI for LLM and ElevnLabs for speech

Get going in 5 minutes

Get Started

Start building with our Simli-React-SDK